Stan Report

This is the Haskell Static Analysis report generated by Stan

Stan Info

In this section, you can find the general information about the used Stan tool, compile-time and run-time environment variables and settings, including build information, system data and execution configurations.

Stan Version
Git Revisiondcbc8682a964ae6f642ae37adbd46f6545d39aa6
Release DateFri Jul 29 13:18:20 2022 +0100
System Info
Operating Systemlinux
Compiler Version8.10
Environment VariablesSTAN_USE_DEFAULT_CONFIG=True
TOML configuration files/home/kamil-adam/git/helvm/heltc/.stan.toml
CLI arguments-s --hide-solution report

Project Info

Information about the analysed project

Project nameheltc
Cabal Filesheltc.cabal
HIE Files Directory.hie
Files Number77

Analysis Info

Summary stats from the static analysis

SafeHaskell Extensions0
Available inspections44
Checked inspections44
Found Observations5
Ignored Observations0

Static Analysis Summary

Here you can find the overall conclusion based on the various metadata and gathered information during the work of Stan on this project.


Based on the analysis results, Stan found several areas for improvement in the analysed files. In Stan terminology, we call these findings Observations. Below you can see the more detailed information about each observation, and find the possible ways to fix them for your project.

📄 hs/src/HelVM/HelTC/Calculators/Legacy/Parsers/LambdaParser.hs

  • ModuleHelVM.HelTC.Calculators.Legacy.Parsers.LambdaParser
    Lines of Code51
    1. EmptyDataDecls
    2. ExistentialQuantification
    3. FlexibleContexts
    4. FlexibleInstances
    5. FunctionalDependencies
    6. GADTs
    7. GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
    8. InstanceSigs
    9. KindSignatures
    10. LambdaCase
    11. MultiParamTypeClasses
    12. MultiWayIf
    13. NamedFieldPuns
    14. OverloadedStrings
    15. PartialTypeSignatures
    16. PatternGuards
    17. PolyKinds
    18. RankNTypes
    19. RecordWildCards
    20. ScopedTypeVariables
    21. StandaloneDeriving
    22. TupleSections
    23. TypeFamilies
    24. TypeSynonymInstances
    25. ViewPatterns
    26. TypeOperators
    27. DerivingStrategies
    28. ConstraintKinds
    29. StrictData
    1. Observations

      DescriptionUsage of partial function 'head' for lists
      Inspection IDSTAN-0001
      • Partial
      • List
        11 ┃ 
        12 ┃ parseLambda = fst . fst . Unsafe.head . (lambdaParser >*> eof) . lexer . toString
        13 ┃                           ^^^^^^^^^^^

      Possible solutions

      • Replace list with 'NonEmpty' from 'Data.List.NonEmpty'
      • Use explicit pattern-matching over lists
      DescriptionUsage of partial function 'head' for lists
      Inspection IDSTAN-0001
      • Partial
      • List
        32 ┃ 
        33 ┃ atomParser = (spot (isLower . Unsafe.head) `build` (Var . toText)) `alt` parensParser
        34 ┃                               ^^^^^^^^^^^

      Possible solutions

      • Replace list with 'NonEmpty' from 'Data.List.NonEmpty'
      • Use explicit pattern-matching over lists
      DescriptionUsage of partial function 'head' for lists
      Inspection IDSTAN-0001
      • Partial
      • List
        38 ┃ 
        39 ┃ paramsParser = list1 $ spot $ isLower . Unsafe.head
        40 ┃                                         ^^^^^^^^^^^

      Possible solutions

      • Replace list with 'NonEmpty' from 'Data.List.NonEmpty'
      • Use explicit pattern-matching over lists

    📄 hs/src/HelVM/HelTC/Calculators/Legacy/Parsers/ZotParser.hs

    • ModuleHelVM.HelTC.Calculators.Legacy.Parsers.ZotParser
      Lines of Code43
      1. EmptyDataDecls
      2. ExistentialQuantification
      3. FlexibleContexts
      4. FlexibleInstances
      5. FunctionalDependencies
      6. GADTs
      7. GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
      8. InstanceSigs
      9. KindSignatures
      10. LambdaCase
      11. MultiParamTypeClasses
      12. MultiWayIf
      13. NamedFieldPuns
      14. OverloadedStrings
      15. PartialTypeSignatures
      16. PatternGuards
      17. PolyKinds
      18. RankNTypes
      19. RecordWildCards
      20. ScopedTypeVariables
      21. StandaloneDeriving
      22. TupleSections
      23. TypeFamilies
      24. TypeSynonymInstances
      25. ViewPatterns
      26. TypeOperators
      27. DerivingStrategies
      28. ConstraintKinds
      29. StrictData
      1. Observations

        DescriptionUsage of partial function 'head' for lists
        Inspection IDSTAN-0001
        • Partial
        • List
          20 ┃ 
          21 ┃ convert = toText . fst . Unsafe.head . (zotParser >*> eof `build` fst) . toString . filterNonSeparator
          22 ┃                          ^^^^^^^^^^^

        Possible solutions

        • Replace list with 'NonEmpty' from 'Data.List.NonEmpty'
        • Use explicit pattern-matching over lists

      📄 hs/src/HelVM/HelTC/Calculators/Legacy/Reducers/FromSki.hs

      • ModuleHelVM.HelTC.Calculators.Legacy.Reducers.FromSki
        Lines of Code56
        1. EmptyDataDecls
        2. ExistentialQuantification
        3. FlexibleContexts
        4. FlexibleInstances
        5. FunctionalDependencies
        6. GADTs
        7. GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
        8. InstanceSigs
        9. KindSignatures
        10. LambdaCase
        11. MultiParamTypeClasses
        12. MultiWayIf
        13. NamedFieldPuns
        14. OverloadedStrings
        15. PartialTypeSignatures
        16. PatternGuards
        17. PolyKinds
        18. RankNTypes
        19. RecordWildCards
        20. ScopedTypeVariables
        21. StandaloneDeriving
        22. TupleSections
        23. TypeFamilies
        24. TypeSynonymInstances
        25. ViewPatterns
        26. TypeOperators
        27. DerivingStrategies
        28. ConstraintKinds
        29. StrictData
        1. Observations

          DescriptionUsage of partial function 'minimumBy' for
          Inspection IDSTAN-0016
          • Partial
            10 ┃ 
            11 ┃ skiToLambda = betaSki . minimumBy (comparing size) . take 15 . iterate betaReduction
            12 ┃                         ^^^^^^^^^


        This section describes the final Stan configuration that was used on the project and explains how this result was assembled. Stan runtime settings have many parts, and each of them can come from different configuration sources. Stan is using Environment variables, TOML configuration file and CLI arguments to get the final results. If some option is specified through the multiple sources, the most prioritized one is used.


        Configuration Process Information

        Information and warnings that were gathered during the configuration assemble process. This helps to understand how different parts of the configurations were retrieved.

        • No TOML value is specified for key: check
        • No CLI option specified for: checks
        • configChecks is set through the source: TOML
        • No TOML value is specified for key: remove
        • No CLI option specified for: remove
        • configRemoved is set through the source: TOML
        • No TOML value is specified for key: ignore
        • No CLI option specified for: ignore
        • configIgnored is set through the source: TOML

        Report Explained


        List of Inspections used for analysing the project

        Inspection STAN-0001

        Partial: base/head

        Usage of partial function 'head' for lists

        • Partial
        • List

        Possible solutions

        • Replace list with 'NonEmpty' from 'Data.List.NonEmpty'
        • Use explicit pattern-matching over lists

        Inspection STAN-0002

        Partial: base/tail

        Usage of partial function 'tail' for lists

        • Partial
        • List

        Possible solutions

        • Replace list with 'NonEmpty' from 'Data.List.NonEmpty'
        • Use explicit pattern-matching over lists

        Inspection STAN-0003

        Partial: base/init

        Usage of partial function 'init' for lists

        • Partial
        • List

        Possible solutions

        • Replace list with 'NonEmpty' from 'Data.List.NonEmpty'
        • Use explicit pattern-matching over lists

        Inspection STAN-0004

        Partial: base/last

        Usage of partial function 'last' for lists

        • Partial
        • List

        Possible solutions

        • Replace list with 'NonEmpty' from 'Data.List.NonEmpty'
        • Use explicit pattern-matching over lists

        Inspection STAN-0005

        Partial: base/!!

        Usage of partial function '!!' for lists

        • Partial
        • List

        Inspection STAN-0006

        Partial: base/cycle

        Usage of partial function 'cycle' for lists

        • Partial
        • List

        Possible solutions

        • Replace list with 'NonEmpty' from 'Data.List.NonEmpty'
        • Use explicit pattern-matching over lists

        Inspection STAN-0007

        Partial: base/genericIndex

        Usage of partial function 'genericIndex' for lists

        • Partial
        • List

        Inspection STAN-0008

        Partial: base/fromJust

        Usage of partial function 'fromJust' for 'Maybe'

        • Partial

        Possible solutions

        • Use explicit pattern-matching over Maybe
        • Use one of the standard functions: 'maybe', 'fromMaybe'

        Inspection STAN-0009

        Partial: base/read

        Usage of partial function 'read' for parsing 'String'

        • Partial

        Possible solutions

        • Use 'readMaybe' or 'readEither' to handle failed parsing

        Inspection STAN-0010

        Partial: base/succ

        Usage of partial function 'succ' for enumerable types

        • Partial

        Possible solutions

        • Use '(+ 1)' for integral types (but be aware of arithmetic overflow)
        • {Extra dependency} Use 'next' from 'Relude.Extra.Enum' in 'relude'

        Inspection STAN-0011

        Partial: base/pred

        Usage of partial function 'pred' for enumerable types

        • Partial

        Possible solutions

        • Use '(- 1)' for integral types (but be aware of arithmetic overflow)
        • {Extra dependency} Use 'prev' from 'Relude.Extra.Enum' in 'relude'

        Inspection STAN-0012

        Partial: base/toEnum

        Usage of partial function 'toEnum' for enumerable types

        • Partial

        Possible solutions

        • {Extra dependency} Use 'safeToEnum' from 'Relude.Extra.Enum' in 'relude'

        Inspection STAN-0013

        Partial: base/maximum

        Usage of partial function 'maximum' for

        • Partial

        Inspection STAN-0014

        Partial: base/minimum

        Usage of partial function 'minimum' for

        • Partial

        Inspection STAN-0015

        Partial: base/maximumBy

        Usage of partial function 'maximumBy' for

        • Partial

        Inspection STAN-0016

        Partial: base/minimumBy

        Usage of partial function 'minimumBy' for

        • Partial

        Inspection STAN-0017

        Partial: base/foldl1

        Usage of partial function 'foldl1' for

        • Partial

        Inspection STAN-0018

        Partial: base/foldl1'

        Usage of partial function 'foldl1'' for lists

        • Partial
        • List

        Possible solutions

        • Replace list with 'NonEmpty' from 'Data.List.NonEmpty'
        • Use explicit pattern-matching over lists

        Inspection STAN-0019

        Partial: base/foldr1

        Usage of partial function 'foldr1' for

        • Partial

        Inspection STAN-0020

        Partial: base/fromList

        Usage of partial function 'fromList' for

        • Partial

        Inspection STAN-0021

        Partial: base/fromInteger

        Usage of partial function 'fromInteger' for

        • Partial

        Inspection STAN-0101

        Infinite: base/reverse

        Usage of the 'reverse' function that hangs on infinite lists

        • Infinite
        • List

        Possible solutions

        • Don't use 'reverse' if you expect your function to work with infinite lists
        • {Extra dependency} Use the 'slist' library for fast and safe functions on infinite lists

        Inspection STAN-0102

        Infinite: base/isSuffixOf

        Usage of the 'isSuffixOf' function that hangs on infinite lists

        • Infinite
        • List

        Possible solutions

        • Don't use 'isSuffixOf' if you expect your function to work with infinite lists
        • {Extra dependency} Use the 'slist' library for fast and safe functions on infinite lists

        Inspection STAN-0103

        Infinite: base/length

        Usage of the 'length' function that hangs on infinite lists

        • Infinite
        • List

        Possible solutions

        • Don't use 'length' if you expect your function to work with infinite lists
        • {Extra dependency} Use the 'slist' library for fast and safe functions on infinite lists

        Inspection STAN-0104

        Infinite: base/genericLength

        Usage of the 'genericLength' function that hangs on infinite lists

        • Infinite
        • List

        Possible solutions

        • Don't use 'genericLength' if you expect your function to work with infinite lists
        • {Extra dependency} Use the 'slist' library for fast and safe functions on infinite lists

        Inspection STAN-0105

        Infinite: base/sum

        Usage of the 'sum' function that hangs on infinite lists

        • Infinite
        • List

        Possible solutions

        • Don't use 'sum' if you expect your function to work with infinite lists
        • {Extra dependency} Use the 'slist' library for fast and safe functions on infinite lists

        Inspection STAN-0106

        Infinite: base/product

        Usage of the 'product' function that hangs on infinite lists

        • Infinite
        • List

        Possible solutions

        • Don't use 'product' if you expect your function to work with infinite lists
        • {Extra dependency} Use the 'slist' library for fast and safe functions on infinite lists

        Inspection STAN-0201

        Anti-pattern: [0 .. length xs]

        Creating a list with wrong number of indices

        • AntiPattern

        Possible solutions

        • Replace '[0 .. length xs]' with '[0 .. length xs - 1]'
        • Use 'zip [0 ..] xs` to work with list of pairs: index and element

        Inspection STAN-0202

        Anti-pattern: foldl

        Usage of space-leaking function 'foldl'

        • SpaceLeak
        • AntiPattern

        Possible solutions

        • Replace 'foldl' with 'foldl''
        • Use 'foldr (flip . f)` instead of 'foldl f'

        Inspection STAN-0203

        Anti-pattern: Data.ByteString.Char8.pack

        Usage of 'pack' function that doesn't handle Unicode characters

        • AntiPattern

        Possible solutions

        • Convert to 'Text' and use 'encodeUtf8' from 'Data.Text.Encoding'
        • {Extra dependency} Use 'encodeUtf8' from 'relude'
        • {Extra dependency} Use the 'utf8-string' package

        Inspection STAN-0204

        Anti-pattern: HashMap size

        Usage of 'size' or 'length' for 'HashMap' that runs in linear time

        • AntiPattern

        Possible solutions

        • {Extra dependency} Switch to 'Map' from 'containers'

        Inspection STAN-0205

        Anti-pattern: HashSet size

        Usage of 'size' or 'length' for 'HashSet' that runs in linear time

        • AntiPattern

        Possible solutions

        • {Extra dependency} Switch to 'Set' from 'containers'

        Inspection STAN-0206

        Data types with non-strict fields

        Defining lazy fields in data types can lead to unexpected space leaks

        • SpaceLeak
        • Syntax

        Possible solutions

        • Add '!' before the type, e.g. !Int or !(Maybe Bool)
        • Enable the 'StrictData' extension: {-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-}

        Inspection STAN-0207

        Anti-pattern: Foldable methods on possibly error-prone structures

        Usage of Foldable methods on (,), Maybe, Either

        • AntiPattern

        Possible solutions

        • Use more explicit functions with specific monomorphic types

        Inspection STAN-0208

        Anti-pattern: Slow 'length' for Text

        Usage of 'length' for 'Text' that runs in linear time

        • AntiPattern

        Possible solutions

        • {Extra dependency} Switch to 'ByteString' from 'bytestring'

        Inspection STAN-0209

        Anti-pattern: Slow 'nub' for lists

        Usage of 'nub' on lists that runs in quadratic time

        • AntiPattern

        Possible solutions

        • {Extra dependency} Switch list to 'Set' from 'containers'
        • {Extra dependency} Use 'ordNub/hashNub/sortNub/unstableNub' from 'relude'
        • {Extra dependency} Use 'nubOrd' from 'containers'
        • {Extra dependency} Use 'nubOrd' from 'extra'

        Inspection STAN-0210

        Anti-pattern: Slow 'for_' on ranges

        Usage of 'for_' or 'forM_' on numerical ranges is slow

        • AntiPattern

        Possible solutions

        • {Extra dependency} Use 'loop' library for fast monadic looping

        Inspection STAN-0211

        Anti-pattern: '</>' for URLs

        Usage of '</>' for URLs results in the errors on Windows

        • AntiPattern

        Possible solutions

        • {Extra dependency} Use type-safe library for URLs
        • Concatenate URLs with slashes '/'

        Inspection STAN-0212

        Anti-pattern: unsafe functions

        Usage of unsafe functions breaks referential transparency

        • Unsafe
        • AntiPattern

        Possible solutions

        • Remove 'undefined' or at least replace with 'error' to give better error messages
        • Replace 'unsafeCoerce' with 'coerce'
        • Rewrite the code to avoid using 'unsafePerformIO' and other unsafe IO functions

        Inspection STAN-0213

        Anti-pattern: Pattern matching on '_'

        Pattern matching on '_' for sum types can create maintainability issues

        • AntiPattern

        Possible solutions

        • Pattern match on each constructor explicitly
        • Add meaningful names to holes, e.g. '_anyOtherFailure'

        Inspection STAN-0214

        Anti-pattern: use 'compare'

        Usage of multiple comparison operators instead of single 'compare'

        • AntiPattern

        Possible solutions

        • Rewrite code to use single 'compare' instead of many comparison operators

        Inspection STAN-0215

        Anti-pattern: Slashes in paths

        Usage of '/' or '\' in paths results in the errors on different operation systems

        • AntiPattern

        Possible solutions

        • {Extra dependency} Use '</>' operator from 'filepath'

        Inspection STAN-0301

        Missing fixity declaration for operator

        Using the implicit default fixity for operator: infixl 9

        • Syntax

        Possible solutions

        • Add 'infix[l|r]' declaration to the operator with explicit precedence

        Inspection STAN-0302

        Big tuples

        Using tuples of big size (>= 4) can decrease code readability

        • AntiPattern
        • Syntax

        Possible solutions

        • Consider defining and using a custom data type to improve code comprehension


        We are using the following severity system to indicate the observation level

        StyleCode style issues. Usually harmless.
        PerformanceSerious defects that could cause slowness and space leaking.
        PotentialBugHuman errors in code.
        WarningPotential runtime errors on some inputs.
        ErrorDangerous behaviour.