never executed always true always false
    1 module HelVM.HelMA.Automaton.Combiner.ALU (
    2   runALI,
    3   runSAL,
    5   doOutputChar2,
    6   doInputChar2,
    7   doInputDec2,
    8   divMod,
    9   sub,
   10   binaryInstruction,
   11   binaryInstructions,
   12   halibut,
   13   move,
   14   discard,
   15   slide,
   16   copy,
   17   flipPush1,
   18   charPush1,
   19   genericPush1,
   20   pop1,
   21   pop2,
   22   push1,
   23   push2,
   24   splitAt,
   25   drop,
   26   ALU,
   27   SafeStack,
   28   Stack,
   29 ) where
   31 import           HelVM.HelMA.Automaton.Instruction.Extras.Common
   33 import           HelVM.HelMA.Automaton.Instruction.Groups.IOInstruction
   34 import           HelVM.HelMA.Automaton.Instruction.Groups.SMInstruction
   36 import           HelVM.HelMA.Automaton.IO.BusinessIO
   38 import           HelVM.HelIO.Control.Safe
   40 import           HelVM.HelIO.Containers.LLIndexSafe
   42 import           HelVM.HelIO.ListLikeExtra
   44 import           Control.Applicative.Tools
   45 import           Data.ListLike                                          hiding (show)
   46 import           Prelude                                                hiding (divMod, drop, fromList, length, splitAt, swap)
   49 runALI :: ALU m ll element => SMInstruction -> ll -> m ll
   50 runALI (SPure ali) = runSAL ali
   51 runALI (SIO   ioi) = runSIO ioi
   53 runSIO :: ALU m ll element => IOInstruction -> ll -> m ll
   54 runSIO OutputChar = doOutputChar2
   55 runSIO OutputDec  = doOutputDec2
   56 runSIO InputChar  = doInputChar2
   57 runSIO InputDec   = doInputDec2
   59 runSAL :: SafeStack m ll element => SPureInstruction -> ll -> m ll
   60 runSAL (Cons      i   ) = push  i
   61 runSAL (Unary     op  ) = unaryInstruction op
   62 runSAL (Binary    op  ) = binaryInstruction op
   63 runSAL (Binaries  ops ) = binaryInstructions ops
   64 runSAL (Indexed t op)   = indexedInstruction op t
   65 runSAL  Halibut         = halibut
   66 runSAL  Pick            = pick
   67 runSAL  Discard         = discard
   69 -- | Arithmetic instructions
   70 unaryInstruction :: SafeStack m ll element => UnaryOperation -> ll -> m ll
   71 unaryInstruction (UImmediate i op) = build <.> pop1 where
   72   build (e , l) = push1 (calculateOp (fromInteger i) e op) l
   73 unaryInstruction               op  = error $ show op
   75 divMod :: SafeStack m ll element => ll -> m ll
   76 divMod = binaryInstructions [Mod , Div]
   78 sub :: SafeStack m ll element => ll -> m ll
   79 sub = binaryInstruction Sub
   81 binaryInstruction :: SafeStack m ll element => BinaryOperation -> ll -> m ll
   82 binaryInstruction i = binaryInstructions [i]
   84 binaryInstructions :: SafeStack m ll element => [BinaryOperation] -> ll -> m ll
   85 binaryInstructions il = build <.> pop2 where
   86   build (e , e', l) = pushList (calculateOps e e' il) l
   88 -- | IO instructions
   89 doOutputChar2 :: ALU m ll element => ll -> m ll
   90 doOutputChar2 = appendError "ALU.doOutputChar2" . build <=< pop1 where
   91   build (e , l) = wPutAsChar e $> l
   93 doOutputDec2 :: ALU m ll element => ll -> m ll
   94 doOutputDec2 = appendError "ALU.doOutputDec2" . build <=< pop1 where
   95   build (e , l) = wPutAsDec e $> l
   97 doInputChar2 :: ALU m ll element => ll -> m ll
   98 doInputChar2 l = appendError "ALU.doOutputDec2" $ build <$> wGetCharAs where
   99   build e = push1 e l
  101 doInputDec2 :: ALU m ll element => ll -> m ll
  102 doInputDec2 l = build <$> wGetCharAs where
  103   build e = push1 e l
  105 indexedInstruction :: SafeStack m ll element => IndexedOperation -> IndexOperand -> ll -> m ll
  106 indexedInstruction i ITop           = indexedInstructionTop i
  107 indexedInstruction i (IImmediate n) = indexedInstructionImmediate i n
  109 -- | Indexed instructions
  110 indexedInstructionTop :: SafeStack m ll element => IndexedOperation -> ll -> m ll
  111 indexedInstructionTop op = appendError "ALU.indexedInstructionTop" . build <=< unconsSafe where
  112   build (e , l) = indexedInstructionImmediate op (fromIntegral e) l
  114 indexedInstructionImmediate :: SafeStack m ll element => IndexedOperation -> Index -> ll -> m ll
  115 indexedInstructionImmediate Copy  = copy
  116 indexedInstructionImmediate Move  = move
  117 indexedInstructionImmediate Slide = slide
  119 -- | Halibut and Pick instructions
  120 halibut :: SafeStack m ll element => ll -> m ll
  121 halibut = appendError "ALU.halibut" . build <=< pop1 where
  122   build (e , l)
  123     | 0 < i     = move i l
  124     | otherwise = copy (negate i) l
  125       where i = fromIntegral e
  127 pick :: SafeStack m ll element => ll -> m ll
  128 pick = appendError "ALU.pick" . build <=< pop1 where
  129   build (e , l)
  130     | 0 <= i    = copy i l
  131     | otherwise = move (negate i) l
  132       where i = fromIntegral e
  134 -- | Slide instructions
  135 slide :: SafeStack m ll element => Index -> ll -> m ll
  136 slide i = appendError "ALU.pop2" . build <.> pop1 where
  137   build (e , l) = push1 e $ drop i l
  139 -- | Move instructions
  140 move :: SafeStack m ll element => Index -> ll -> m ll
  141 move i l = build $ length l where
  142   build ll
  143     | ll <= i = liftErrorWithTupleList "ALU.move index must be less then lenght" [("i" , show i) , ("ll" , show ll)]
  144     | otherwise = pure $ l1 <> l2 <> l3 where
  145       (l1 , l3) = splitAt 1 l'
  146       (l2 , l') = splitAt i l
  148 -- | Copy instructions
  149 copy :: SafeStack m ll element => Index -> ll -> m ll
  150 copy i = teeMap flipPush1 (findSafe i)
  152 -- | Pop instructions
  153 pop1 :: SafeStack m ll element => ll ->  m (element , ll)
  154 pop1 = appendError "ALU.pop1" . unconsSafe
  156 pop2 :: SafeStack m ll element => ll -> m (element , element , ll)
  157 pop2 = appendError "ALU.pop2" . uncons2Safe
  159 -- | Push instructions
  160 push :: SafeStack m ll element => Integer -> ll -> m ll
  161 push i = pure . genericPush1 i
  163 flipPush1 :: Stack ll element => ll -> element -> ll
  164 flipPush1 = flip push1
  166 charPush1 :: (Num element , Stack ll element) => Char -> ll -> ll
  167 charPush1 = genericPush1 . ord
  169 genericPush1 :: (Integral v , Num element , Stack ll element) => v -> ll -> ll
  170 genericPush1 = push1 . fromIntegral
  172 push1 :: Stack ll element => element -> ll -> ll
  173 push1 e = pushList [e]
  175 push2 :: Stack ll element => element -> element -> ll -> ll
  176 push2 e e' = pushList [e , e']
  178 pushList :: Stack ll element => [element] -> ll -> ll
  179 pushList es l = fromList es <> l
  181 teeMap :: Functor f => (t -> a -> b) -> (t -> f a) -> t -> f b
  182 teeMap f2 f1 x = f2 x <$> f1 x
  184 -- | Types
  185 type ALU m ll element = (BIO m , SafeStack m ll element)
  187 type SafeStack m ll element  = (MonadSafe m , IntegralStack ll element)
  189 type IntegralStack ll element = (Stack ll element , Integral element)
  191 type Stack ll element = (Show ll , ListLike ll element , IndexSafe ll element)