Planned features:
- HELTC - Implement Asm for Combinators:
- Implement Lazier - Schema DSL.
- Implement Scheme Like Lazier (SLC) - For all functional language
- Implement MLC - For all functional languagee
- HELPS - Implement Haskell
- Haskell to BF
- Haskell to LazyK
- Haskell in Combinators
- HELMS - Implement Scheme -
- We have two simple Haskell version. We need it for next steps. Use MegaParsec
- Implement other Eso-Schemes:
- Compile Unlambda-Scheme to Unlambda. It is a litle dynamic. Scheme has 4 types
- Compile Funge-Scheme to Funge. It is hard because code is in CL. It is a litle dynamic. Scheme has 2 types
- Compile Malbolge-Scheme to Malbolge. It is hard because code is in APL
- Compile Scheme to:
- SICP-Asm
- HELCT - Compile C - It is the last goal
- C2WS
- C2BF
- Implement imperative assemblers
- Piet-Ams,
- Malbolge-Asm. These are many Malbolge-Asm, but all in C
- Funge-Asm
- Beatnik-Ams
- HaPyLi
- Other:
- Compile ELVM to WASM and SICP-Asm
- Compile WASM and SICP-Asm to MCL
- Implement imperative assemblers
- HELMA - Implement languages
- Piet. It is hard because IO
- Implement Malbolge - We have Haskell version. We have to do it because it is simple
- Beatnik
- Funge
- False
You can propose feature by GitHub. But if there is a reference code ih Haskell, the feature goes up
For more see ROADMAP.